Glide Reviews: Essential Guide to No-Code App Building 2024

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Building a functional, optimized, and user-friendly application may not be simple, but our compiled blog of Glide reviews, use cases, and benefits may give you the solution you seek. Glide simplifies the app-building process by allowing creators of all experience levels access to a no-code, easy-to-use builder. Yes, you read that right. With our Glide review, we'll cover what this no-code app builder can do and discuss some limitations you should know about.

Aloa is a software agency that leverages robust project management frameworks to deliver high-quality software projects. With a network of highly vetted partners, Aloa ensures clients work with the best development teams using the latest industry tech and trends.

With our commitment to staying ahead of the latest developments and technologies in the industry, we’ve put together this comprehensive review of Glide. We’ll review the platform’s use cases, key features, and limitations. We’ll also provide alternatives to consider so you can make informed decisions about your app development needs.

Let’s get started!

What is Glide Apps?

What is Glide

Glide is a web-based no-code app builder that enables users to quickly create apps without writing any code. The platform’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface allows anyone to design and deploy functional applications quickly by using pre-built front-end components.

Glide gives you a simple but powerful editor to visually build apps (no code!) and leverages Google Sheets to store the data. Using Google Sheets as a database means you have full control of your data in a visual interface without having to manipulate lines of code. Traditional databases, on the other hand, require users to code their visual interface from the data through command lines.

Glide provides users with a handful of components, such as a map view, calendar view, user lists, and even advanced features, such as a simple chat interface. Glide App Builder covers a handful of basic components found on most apps. 

Glide App Builder Use Cases

Glide App Builder streamlines the process of creating mobile and web apps, making them accessible for users without extensive coding knowledge or experience. The no-code platform has several use cases that make it useful for various individuals and organizations when creating different apps to meet their goals.

Here are what Glide reviews show as the main use cases for the app builder when creating essential business tools:

Glide App Builder Use Cases

MVP Concept Testing with Beta Users

Glide gives users a handful of features to use when building out early-stage MVPs (minimum viable products) because of its ease of iteration. Apart from the platform's cost benefits, users can leverage rapid prototyping, which they can use to iterate on user feedback, making it a powerful tool for building out an MVP that resonates with users. 

Internal Company Tool Development

The Glide no-code app builder enables users to build internal company tools that help improve workflow and processes. Since these applications may not require extensive databases or highly complex features, Glide is ideal for developing custom tools tailored to specific business needs. Some great examples of these types of applications are internal issue tracking software and expense-reporting tools

Task Automation

Businesses frequently use Glide to build automation software that enables them to automate repetitive tasks within their organization. Whether automating workflows, setting up reminders, or tracking project progress, the platform allows users to create customized solutions that streamline daily operations. 

Customer Relationship Management

Many businesses look to Glide to build custom customer relationship management (CRM) solutions tailored to specific requirements. Glide reviews show that users can create an app that tracks customer interactions, manages leads, and stores important client information. Companies can use custom CRM solutions or customer portals built with Glide to enhance customer service and strengthen client relationships.

Data Management and Visualization

Glide App Builder is also popular for its ability to handle data management and visualization efforts. Users can create applications that collect, store, and display data in a user-friendly format. Creating such applications comes in handy for businesses that need to make data-driven decisions since it provides an easy-to-understand look at key metrics and insights.

Event Management

For event organizers, Glide offers an easy way to create apps that manage everything from registrations to schedules and attendee communication. Event planners have given Glide reviews that show its usability in designing solutions that provide real-time updates, collect feedback, and ensure smooth coordination without requiring specialized development skills.

Learning and Training

Educational institutions and corporate training programs utilize Glide to develop interactive learning tools and training apps. These can include features such as quizzes, video content, and progress tracking, making it easier to deliver educational material in an engaging and accessible way.

Glide Reviews: Key Features of Glide

Glide has quickly become the go-to solution for businesses and institutions looking for an app creation platform with a simple user interface to create custom mobile and web applications. Users across various industries have given the software great reviews for its ease of use, versatility, and comprehensive features. But what features make Glide stand out?

Here are the key features that Glide reviews show to be valuable to users:

Glide Reviews_ Key Features of Glide

No Code App Builder

Glide is well-known for providing users with a no-code app builder to create functional applications without writing a single line of code. Glide reviews show that users appreciate how the platform simplifies the app development process by providing a drag-and-drop interface. While simple to use, Glide still enables users to create solutions tailored to their specific needs and helps them keep things running smoothly in their business or organization. 

Faster Development Cycles

Using Glide significantly speeds up the app development process, making it possible to go from idea to deployment in a fraction of the time it would take using traditional development methods. Glide reviews highlight how this fast development cycle allows businesses to be more agile and quickly launch new tools and features that meet evolving demands. Being able to create applications with a fast usability time is especially beneficial for startups and teams working with tight deadlines. 

Customizable and Flexible Options

Glide offers a high degree of customization for different uses, featuring a wide range of templates, components, and settings that users can easily adjust to fit unique requirements. The software even includes a feature that showcases the components users can apply and build with while also giving a starting point if they are not sure where to begin. Users value this flexibility, noting that it allows them to create apps that precisely match their workflows and branding rather than being limited by rigid, one-size-fits-all solutions.

Collaborative Approach

Collaboration is at the heart of many successful projects, and Glide supports this by making it easy for teams to collaborate on app development. Users can share app-building responsibilities, leave comments, and track changes in real-time. This collaborative approach is particularly beneficial for teams across different locations, as it ensures everyone is aligned and can contribute seamlessly to the project.

User-Friendly Interface

Glide’s intuitive, user-friendly interface is often highlighted in reviews as a key reason for the platform's popularity. Even first-time users with little to no technical background find it easy to navigate and use. The platform’s clean design, logical layout, and helpful tutorials contribute to a smooth user experience, enabling users to focus on building functional apps without getting bogged down by complicated processes.

Cost Effective and Scalable

Glide offers a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. Users appreciate the platform's affordability, especially when compared to the costs associated with traditional app development. Additionally, Glide’s scalable nature means that apps can grow alongside the business, handling increased data, users, and features without requiring a complete overhaul or significant additional investment.

Limitations of Glide App Builder

While Glide reviews show the app builder to have numerous advantages, it’s still important to know its limitations. Knowing the framework’s limitations enables users to determine whether it is a good fit for the type of application they want to create. 

Here are a few limitations to keep in mind when using the Glide App Builder:

Limitations of Glide App Builder

Limited Advanced Customization

While Glide provides a wide range of customization options for those looking to create their first app, it is limiting for users who require highly complex features of advanced functionalities for their applications. Those looking to apply intricate logic, deep integrations, or highly tailored designs may find that the Glide App Builder’s no-code capabilities don’t offer the level of control needed. 

As an example, the Instagram template allows for a “chat” section at the bottom right. However, this “chat” component only allows for a general chat with everyone that uses the application. It does not allow for 1:1 private messaging systems like Instagram. Should users want to create a 1:1 private messaging system, they would have to wait for Glide to develop a component for it. Given that Glide releases new components regularly, the platform will likely have such capabilities. For now, however, it remains a limitation. 

Dependence on Data Sources

Glide Apps rely heavily on external data sources like Google Sheets or Excel, which becomes a bottleneck for users who need to manage large volumes of data that require more sophisticated database capabilities. Users may run into performance issues when handling extensive datasets or may need to look into alternative solutions for more complex data management.

The app builder also has a few technical limitations, such as the limit of 25,000 rows per Google Sheet (so, in theory, you could only store 25,000 posts in your Instagram app). When it comes to writing, users are also limited to a refresh rate of up to  3 minutes (meaning it could take up to 3 minutes for your app to show new data), so any real-time features (such as a live chat) would likely not work well using Glide.

These technical limitations may be due to the platform's use of Google Sheets as the backend and will likely be mitigated once they introduce other backend solutions (such as Airtable or a custom backend they host).

Scalability Challenges for Complex Projects

While Glide is scalable to an extent, there are challenges when scaling more complex or large-scale projects. As the app grows in complexity, with more users or features, some users have reported performance issues or the need to switch to a more traditional development approach to continue scaling effectively.

Pricing for Advanced Features

Glide offers flexible price plans for companies and communities of all sizes. Companies have the option of choosing from 3 tiers:

  • Team ($99/month billed yearly): Best for projects that aim to turn spreadsheets into tools. Allows for up to 20 users, 5,000 updates, 5 editors, and unlimited apps.  
  • Business ($249/month billed yearly): Ideal for projects that require software creation from databases. Includes up to 40 users, 10,000 updates, 10 editors, and unlimited apps. 
  • Enterprise ($499/month billed yearly): Best for companies looking to deploy powerful software at scale. Allows for custom user and update limits, unlimited editors, and unlimited apps.  

Makers can choose from two plans based on the complexity and requirements of their project:

  • Free: Ideal for users who want to learn how to create their first application. 
  • Maker ($49/month billed yearly): Best for those who are looking to create an application for their idea or community. Allows for unlimited personal users, 500 updates, two editors, and one app. 

Glide’s price plans accommodate a wide range of users, from individual makers to large enterprises. Whether you are starting out or need to scale operations, Glide offers a plan that fits project requirements. Each tier has varying levels of features and support, so be sure to review each one to find the best plan to match the complexity and scale of your project. 

Glide Apps Reviews and Recommendations

Using Glide App Builder to create mobile and web applications has gained positive reviews from users across various software rating sites. Its easy-to-use interface, ability to enable fast development, and flexibility make it a great choice for individuals and businesses looking to build custom apps without coding expertise. However, the tools do come with their own set of limitations. 

Keeping that in mind, here are the aggregate reviews from across popular software review sites:

Glide Apps Reviews and Recommendations

Top 3 Glide Alternatives 2024

Startups and businesses looking to leverage the use of no-code app builders like Glide should explore other options as well. Looking into alternatives makes it easier to choose the best solutions for your project's specific needs, especially if you encounter limitations with Glide. 

Here are three top alternatives to consider in 2024:

1. Clappia

Clappia Custom Business App Builder

Clappia is a versatile no-code app-building platform that allows users to create business process solutions. It is designed to help organizations digitalize their workflows by building custom applications tailored to specific business requirements. As a no-code app-building platform, Clappia stands out for its ability to integrate with existing business systems. It provides the ideal solution for mid to enterprise-level projects that require automation for complex business processes while also allowing integrations with existing enterprise systems. 

Notable Features of Clappia

  • Business Process Automation: Clappia enables users to create applications that can automate and streamline business processes like task management, reporting, and data collection. This makes it a great solution for companies looking to enhance their overall operational efficiency with custom-built internal tools. 
  • Integration with Enterprise Tools: The platform provides seamless integration capabilities with popular enterprise tools like Google Workspace and Microsoft Office 365, allowing businesses to incorporate Clappia apps into their existing workflows and systems. 
  • Customizable Workflows: Users can apply multiple designs and customized workflows to match their specific needs, making the platform a strong choice for organizations with unique operational processes.

Clappia Price Plans

Clappia offers a diverse set of price plans based on the number of users on the platform, making it a great option for teams of all sizes. The platform also allows users to choose between monthly and yearly subscription plans, making it easier to budget and scale an existing plan based on growing or shrinking budgets. 

Visit the Clappia website to see their full price list and determine the best plan based on team and business needs. 

Clappia Ratings

Clappia User Ratings

2. Fliplet

Fliplet No-Code App Building Platform

Fliplet is a no-code app-building platform that streamlines the creation of professional-grade custom software applications. These applications are designed for business users and IT professionals, allowing them to rapidly develop apps without requiring extensive coding skills. 

The platform places simplicity in its usability and offers a wide range of customizable app templates and components, making it easy for users to build apps for various purposes, such as events management, sales tracking, training, and client engagement. Enterprises and organizations that require a secure, scalable, and customizable app development solution benefit from exploring Fliplet’s capabilities. 

Notable Features of Fliplet

  • Enterprise-Grade Security: The platform provides users with advanced security features such as data encryption, single sign-on (SSO), and compliance with various industry standards, making it suitable for industries like finance, healthcare, and legal.
  • Custom Templates and Components: Users can choose from a variety of pre-built templates and components to quickly build apps or customize them to meet specific business needs. Fliplet also supports custom coding for those who need additional functionality.
  • Multi-Platform Deployment: Fliplet allows users to deploy apps across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and the web, ensuring that your app reaches your audience wherever they are.

Fliplet Price Plans

Flipet provides users with a pricing model that cater to the accessibility of the application to be developed. The public plans provide a more cost-effective solution that is well-suited for those who want to create and deploy apps without the need for extensive customization or enterprise-level features. These plans are ideal for small to medium-sized businesses, startups, or individuals looking to quickly bring an app to market at a reasonable cost.

Fliplet Ratings

Fliplet User Ratings

3. Bubble

Bubble No-Code App Building Platform

Bubble is a comprehensive no-code app-building platform that makes it easy for users to create high-quality and customizable web applications. The platform is best used for projects that require complex logic, dynamic content, and elaborate database management. Compared to Glide, Bubble provides more advanced environments for building powerful web applications. 

Notable Features of Using Bubble

  • Hosted Infrastructure: The platform handles all the backend operations, ensuring your web app is always available and performing optimally. This is particularly beneficial for startups and small businesses that may not have the resources or expertise to manage complex hosting environments.
  • Customer Engagement Features: Include features like email and SEO to tools already used in order to measure and track customer behavior, making it easier to plan out decisions as your product evolves.
  • Collaboration Capabilities: Streamline iteration and feedback loops with the whole team to ensure everyone has the potential to contribute to progress.

Bubble Price Plans

Bubble offers multiple price plans and payment schedules based on team size, project goals, and budget preferences. Each tier accommodates varying needs, whether users want to build a simple MVP or create a more complex and feature-rich web application. Users can also upgrade to dedicated plans for enhanced performance and support. 

Bubble Ratings

Bubble User Reviews

Key Takeaway

Overall, users have given positive Glide reviews, highlighting that it is an effective no-code app builder that continues to release useful components that improve the platform’s capabilities. While its reliance on Google Sheets as a backend limits flexibility, customization, and scalability, Glide is a great way to build basic MVPs and internal tools that improve organizational workflows. 

Users who need to apply complex logic and databases may not find Glide’s components comprehensive enough to handle larger or more intricate projects. In such cases, it's best to consider alternatives like Clappia or Fliplet, which offer more advanced features and customization options. 

Additionally, it's important to evaluate your app's database needs—understanding when to choose a relational vs. non-relational database can be crucial in determining the right tool for your project. This consideration will help ensure your app is built on a solid foundation that can scale as your business grows.

If you have any questions about Glide or comments on our Glide reviews, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

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